Completed Ironman France 2012, Challenge UK 2013, Ironman Boulder 2014 and Ironman Couer D'Alene 2015 & 2017. Went on to finish the epic Challenge Roth in 2019. Times are changing and so is this blog
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Sometimes you've got to accept it and say F@#k it!
Tomorrow brings the long ride workout starting nice and early. Bring it on! Mood adjusted!
Good luck to us all!
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Bump in the road
Sleepy Triathlete
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Strength and Length(!)
With all this male bravado going on, I actually ended up pushing myself as well and having one of the most productive strength sessions of the year so far. Albeit tiring, yet quite pleasing.
Now, the downside of all this productive and motivating strength training is that one hour from now I shall be on a bike pedaling for three more. Holy bat sh@!t. That, at least, is the technical phrase. I suspect that by the end of the very long, yet somewhat spring like, day I shall be quite tired. Fortunately, along for the ride tonight is Constitution along for the 3 hours of biking. That at least should make it fly by and be a little less painful. Well, that and the excessive amount of cycling derrière cream I shall have on.
Off to work for four days tomorrow. Have a nice long run planned along Lake Toronto. Hopefully the weather will cooperate, along with the airline schedules.
Good luck to us all!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
The hard part is the training
There seems to be a commonality when entering these forms of endurance racing. Be it a marathon, all the way up to an ironman distance event. The traits are that the majority of participants, certainly first timers, focus on the race itself, failing to see that the true challenge is the training leading to the race.
For example, presently, as I type, I sit desperately trying to delay getting on my indoor bike setup to complete a 70 minute workout. Ultimately, I do not have to get on that bike. I do have to do the Ironman France which we have each paid $600 to enter. There's a date for that. An termination. A definite. However, I the world will not end if I do not get on that bike. THAT is the challenge. Summoning the will power to get on the bike, or step out the door to finish the run, or even submerge in to the pool to begin the swim. THE TRUE CHALLENGE IS COMPLETING THE TRAINING. The race is the easy part.
That said, off I will now go to start the bike, despite the almost irresistible urge not to! Luckily, The Departed should keep me comfortable.
Can't believe we are beginning week 7 of training.
Good luck to us all!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Waiting on a plane
I thought whilst I awaited, from row 32, for everyone to get off my ride to work, that I would update.
Completed the "key" swim today, which was a good challenge. Self discovered a little more of how to improve my freestyle stroke whilst counting the number of strokes. I found, although recommended to be minimal, that I was grossly under using the legs. A slight increase led to a decrease of two strokes per 25 yards. Fascinating stuff right! Well, after 3000 yards of anaerobic swimming it's like getting a $10,000 raise!
It was a good effort after a hard strength training last night. The Pellicanos kicked my butt, quite literally. A lot of work on the glutus maximus and quadriceps. All of which is gradually making itself known as we sit in the not-so-spacious coach seat.
Looking forward to one of my favorite road runs in, of all places, Peoria. It's an amazingly rural run, with some tasty hills, which will serve to enliven my long run on Friday. Such a fascinating life I lead in this sad sad world of triathlon.
Constitution sent out a funny Ioutube video this week. "sh#t triathletes say". It reminded me to check the seriousness of it all and remember that the reason we three fools entered in to this endeavor was, oddly enough, for the enjoyment of it all. We didn't get caught up in all the sportiness of it all and enjoyed it for the pure fun of it. Not constantly trying the one upmanship game that happens so often. Not caring who knew what or whether the other knew what the component of the bike was called. Simply heading out and having a good ole time was enough. That is what I will endeavor to remind myself of this week - to enjoy while I beat the sh#t out of my body!
Good luck to us all!
++ remember, proof read rarely. Takes too long +++
Monday, February 6, 2012
Long swim and off to work
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Change marks and unexpected perseverance
Just a quick note. Did not feel well after 30 mins on the bike with Napoleon. Had to stop. Possibly due to the smack in the head taken the day before. Slept a good hour. Got up. It was the super bowl. Watched that and with the great encouragement and inspiration from my good lady wife, I hopped back on the bike and half time and persevered on, watching the second half of the Super Bowl. And like every bike ride I do, there is always a chain mark to remind me of the ride completed. Feels good.
Good luck to us all!
Headaches and Long Ride
I was tired enough yesterday, but managed to add to my woes when I knocked myself senseless walking to the basement. Must have been down those stairs a million times, but this occasion my head met the ceiling corner, hard! It hurt, a lot! For a second I didn't know what was going on. It appears that I don't have a concussion. The long ride today (3hours) should expose that theory. Looking forward to the ride. First, Man U vs Chelsea, then a long ride and then the Super Bowl. Seems like a well spent Sunday to me. ( A big thank you to my understanding wife!)
Today I will also try out the CyclOps training bra. Yes, that's right, my first bra. Such a milestone. Admittedly, it is more to hold off the sweat from corroding my bike than it is from supporting my moobies. Anything to prolong the life of my Boy Blue!
The game is about to start and I must pack a bag for the trip over to Napoleon's apartment for the ride. Need to pick out some good movies for this one. if i don't, I will have to listen to him bang on about the bloody French Rugby team the whole time. Nobody wants that! :)
Good luck to us all!