Completed Ironman France 2012, Challenge UK 2013, Ironman Boulder 2014 and Ironman Couer D'Alene 2015 & 2017. Went on to finish the epic Challenge Roth in 2019. Times are changing and so is this blog
Monday, March 26, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Recovery - the key to preventing overtraining
Having been ill this week and struggled, stressfully to force in all the training that was due, in the short space of time I had available, it gave me pause to think back to last season. It was a very enjoyable one, without illness or injury. I had just discovered Dr. Phillip Maffetone. He is well known in the endurance world and even trained a few horse successfully (they have a similar ability for endurance as humans). He trained Mark Allen, who famously was a relaxed person after spending time with the Doctor.
Dr Maffetone is famous for preaching about balance and ensuring overtraining prevention. He believes that even reducing your recovery time, i.e. not affording enough sleep, will lead to overtraining, even if you seemingly have a balanced active training schedule. It was indeed, in my opinion, this reasoning, or lack of, that has lead me to the illness and injuries that have occurred this season. Admittedly, the ankle was the result of falling, but arguably would not have occurred if i had not been trying to push the training (and run in the dark).
I am currently re-readining his book - The Big Book of Endurance Training and Racing - and rediscovering the training methods that lead me to an enjoyable season last year and, most importantly, an injury free one. Balance is everything. From training, to recovery, to diet and so forth. That is the attitude I am re-adopting and firmly believe that will set me well in the future.
I have also decided to run the Twin Cities marathon in October. That is all!
Good luck to us all!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Tough two weeks of travelling
The last two weeks have caught up with me this morning. </p>
<p>It's been a mental challenge, flying, jetlag, holiday, then straight back to work. Irregular diet intake and sleep has all culminated in not being able to finish the swim this morning . More mental burn out and fatigue than anything. It was to the point that I was almost falling asleep during my kick lengths. Not a great sign. Therefore, in honor of the Philip Maffetone approach I favor, I called it a day early on the swim and decided to shell out for a proper breakfast. I think another contributing factor was the late night run and lack of subsequent nutrition prior to swimming. It is sometimes quite hard to maintain the right nutrition on the road when I do not have my own food with and have to rely on the crap for sale. Frustrating!
However, to try and be positive is to view this as another pain in my ass, why can't everything just go as planned, learning experience in the crazy (or nuts) journey that is Ironman.
Good luck to us all!
Ps the ankle is improving. Shame about the abductor!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
English country garden
I wish the ankle would improve a little more so I could partake in some more runs as well. Off to swim in the pool I learned to tomorrow morning. This time in the public lanes, whilst the school swim club, with the weary, tired eyed school children who are less than impressed that their parents made them get up so early, are swimming in the lanes next door. They have not updated it since then, it would appear. Thus, a sense of deja vu will be strong.
It looks as though I am, however, missing out on some great biking weather back in Minneapolis. Can't wait to get "my boy Blue" out on the road when I get back. Should be fun.
Good luck to us all!