Tapering is normally the hardest part of training. Always itching to sneak out the door and continue the lifestyle to which you have become accustomed over the previous 9months. However, this week should be easy.
Not only am I looking forward to the end of the season, with a nice relaxing Triathlon, in a local setting, without all the hope of the Ironman - a race I have done before and really enjoyed - but I am also aching. The back was reintroduced to cricket on Friday night and did not agree with my choice to play. Felt great during, but after the 15mile run the next day, it began an ardent protest against the world yesterday. Struggling again today, the back has been introduced to the foam roller a number of times and will hopefully respond. Thus tapering should be a breeze.
It has been quite the season. My first Ironman. My second stand alone marathon just a few weeks away. Getting my first specific triathlon bike. A lot of fantastic treats thus far in 2012.
My wife has been the true saint. Tending to obsess on certain things, our conversations have not been the most stimulating for her this year, trending along the lines of triathlon, triathlon, triathlon. This is something i must work on next year. She has stood by (I only caught her rolling her eyes two or three times) patiently putting up with all of this. The off season is eagerly anticipated with a few trips planned, that do not involve running, biking or swimming. Can't wait.
The body I'm sure is ready for some rest. Although, I think sometimes it is hard to break the cycle. I think the key is to keep yourself busy with other projects, of which there are plenty to do since none were done this summer! A new word for the vocab - relaxation!
Really looking forward to the enjoyable Tri this weekend. Time to smile and not take it all so serious, although you can never completely wipe away the competitiveness, right Napoleon?? . What's amazing is that this time last year was when I effectively started the fist step towards Ironman. Now being back has brought it all full circle and concludes this chapter. I am very happy that life is affording me this opportunity.
Bring on Square Lake and the end to the 2012 season.
Good luck to us all!