Monday, February 18, 2013

Heading Out In Hope

Running on the road has it's ups and downs. Some on the occasions are dangerous and somewhat ill advised. However, when everything falls in to place, there have been some great discoveries whilst in a strange hotel and heading out the door in the hope of finding something enjoyable.

One of these runs occurred this week in Knoxville, TN. Specifically, a suburb near the airport called Alcoa. It is rare that I find an enjoyable run near an airport. One of the few examples are Kansas City Downtown Airport and Greensville Spartenburg Airport. Normally it begins with a somewhat courage filled warmup on a busy road, jogging along the grass verge with cars whipping by at speed. After this short period, then run quickly enters the discovery phase and you find yourself jumping from a fear of death to total joy, leaving the busy road behind you and stumbling on to a running path which snakes through the country. A path that you would have never believed to be so close to your industrial area airport hotel.

This is precisely what happened in Alcoa. Although the road at the beginning was not a severe as some I have run on. The verge was nice and wide to allow you plenty of diving room. That said, it's always interesting running passed a local police station, along a busy road with no sidewalk and hoping that the authorities don't mind too much.

When I started out, I had a vague idea that there was something to be run on. I needed about an hour and had found a online pre-drawn map of a previous run. As I crested the first hill, just after the police station (which, fortunately, at least two police cars could not have cared less) I was presented with a cracking vista or hills rolling in the distant, slightly misted to add to the view. At was about then that I thought I had found a good spot to run. Quickly thereafter, I stumbled across a path similar to the type that we have an abundance of in Minneapolis. Long winding, seemingly endless bike and pedestrian paths connecting all the area. The path I found was in Steambrook and took me on a winding, undulating run through the woods and farmland that surrounds the Knoxville airport. The temperature was just right and the sun was shining. Along with a stomping playlist, this run really got the endorphins flowing and the smiles spreading.

I would highly recommend, with a short bit of research to be sure, going out and discovering some of the great runs that can be had around your hotels when in a foreign land. However, I still doubt any of them will be able to top the one I got to experience near Mt Fuji in Japan! Now that was a corker!

Good luck to us all!

Monday, February 11, 2013


The quest for Kansas is up and running with the first week of training out of the way. And what would the first week of winter time training be without a good snow storm?? There is something unique about people willing to sit indoors on a bike and cycle for 25 miles. Remember, we are nuts, not crazy.

In to the second week we go. Everything seems a little more relaxed and less rushed than last year. Perhaps a confidence in knowing that an Iron distance race is out the way and only half that distance needs to be achieved this time around. A sense of complacency? However, the half iron distance carries a much greater intensity to it and one could argue a bit more suffering. So, I suppose complacency could be a mistake :)

Nonetheless, plod on we shall. Time for some Downtown Abbey and a bike ride.

Good luck to us all!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

2013 has arrived!

Welcome 2013!

We have arrived at 2013. The year is entirely different from last year's epic journey to Ironman France. This year will be the journey of the half ironman. Just as enduring as the full iron distance experience. However, this one resonates in different areas. Not as long, but plenty of potential for mental and physical difficulties. 

This year our main goal is the Kansas Half Ironman in Lawrence Kansas. Hopefully, if the stars align, there will be a couple of other races to be added to the calendar.

One of the other, more unique races, that I will be attempting this year is The Minnetonka Challenge, albeit as a relay. It's a 5 mile swim across Lake Minnetonka near Minneapolis. Physically, I will only be swimming 2 miles of the challenge, with help from 2 others for the rest of the distance. The biggest challenge will be a mental one.

With the sting in the face from the jelly fish during last year's France race, I am concerned about my ability for bravery in the open water. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe getting out there will be the issue. The issue will lie with how I deal with the anxiousness when in the middle of the lake and presented with whatever may lay out there. Mostly, during a race, I don't allow myself the time to think about it. Competitive drive taking over. However, it will be an interesting first swim of the season, when the ice finally melts.

Training starts tomorrow. It will be a great season, full of plenty of new challenge with different faces.

Good luck to us all!