Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The End is in Sight

New Orleans. The city that represents any number of things to any number of people, has represented the last four Mondays of training for me. I have spent the last month here, every Monday, slogging on the Courtyard Marriott's treadmill, finishing off the last parts of training for the second of three Iron Distance races I plan on completing in this three year time span.

There is only 10 days until the next race presents itself to me. As I sit here writing about it all, I try to recall my feelings from last year's approach to Nice. I'm sure that those around me will attest that I was less than relaxed. This year is proving a little different. With no one traveling with me on this journey this year, it feels more of a lonesome endeavor, although many have helped me train throughout the year. As a result, there seems to be less tension. Perhaps, knowing what awaits me? Less foreign an event? Confidence in knowing what awaits?

I feel a little pressure knowing that this year I will be racing in front of my close family and friends. A little different dynamic. My parents were there last year in France, yet this year I will have some of the friends I grew up with watching on. Those who have not seen this part of my present personality yet. I'm excited to have their support.

Race weather is looking very nice for the day. Planning on idyllic British September. 70's and sunny. That's the reliability of British weather. When the cricket season is ending, the weather always improves to what you would have liked all season!

The tapering is in to it's second week. I always find this the hardest to keep up with. The training is winding down and the eagerness to get to the start line tends to lead me in to a lethargic approach and a desire to get it over with. That said, I am certainly less willing to get in to a hotel pool right now and tether myself to the steps for an hour of monotony. Perhaps tonight when I get to Kansas.

Napoleon will laugh, but the pack list is taking shape. There is a long list of things that will get packed this weekend. Amongst others, the bike. I remember last year, when the bike was packed up in the basement of Urban Tri, as it will be this year, the realization that the race was indeed happening. I have a suspicion the same will occur this year. Chris at Urban Tri, as reliable as ever, the man who painted my bike box last year for me, will be packing the bike up again. I could do it myself, but there is something about have the reassurance of a professional do it for you. Knowing that you have done all you can to ensure the bike will arrive in as good as shape as ever. Let's hope United treat it with the same kind of respect!!

We take flight this Monday, enroute to Challenge Henley. May the seats be comfy and the food plentiful. (I suspect not organic!) May the Thames be forgiving! I look forward to it all.

Good luck to us all!

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