Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Twerk, Hash and Selfie

The New Year is upon us. Many people have spent this last year making new words and working towards 2014 in order to create even more ridiculous words. I may have spent 2013 taking many "selfies" in order to chronicle my training, but luckily I have not used the word in earnest.

Even thought twerking could be a good core workout, I feel that most of the time, be it by myself or with witnesses, I would simply create animosity if attempted. That only leaves hashtag, which ultimately means something completely different a few decades ago. However, now we find ourselves, me included, held in the vice grip of trends that need to be perpetuated with a hastag. No longer are we getting high from a hashtag, simply being social.

That said, none of this pertains to 2014 and the quest for the third Ironman. An iron distance race is tough, just by itself. Throw in altitude and summer sun and it will be exponentially more challenging. However, these kind of conditions bring out the community spirit within the triathlon world. Allow me to tell you a story.

Not a million weeks ago, I had a passenger board one of the flights I was working wearing a Ironman Lake Tahoe finisher jacket. When I see this type of finisher jacket I often take the time to converse and share stories. When I see one from Lake Tahoe an effort is particularly made. The unique thing about this gentleman was his extreme stutter. This provided a little awkwardness as I tried to chat about his extreme experience that was said to be had by many during that race and he struggled to describe what he went through. However, the eagerness I held to hear the story, made me hold passengers up so I could block the aisle and listen to the man. The experience, as simple as this story may appear, did not end there. My co-worker teased me as she said the gentleman had asked for a piece of paper and pen to write some words down. She ribbed me that he was writing an ironman love letter. What he in fact did was probably exactly that. Having heard about my quest for Ironman Boulder, my co-iron triathlete, who lived in Boulder took the time to note down the key ingredients of mistakes not to make in August. What a generous thing to take the time to complete for a complete stranger.

This is something that is particularly endearing about the triathlon community. There certainly are some numpties out there, but much of the time we find a lot of positives out there. Triathletes such as this man really keep my inspiration and motivation to continue putting my body through these experiences. If I can pass on this kind of inspiration to anyone else, as this man has done for me, then it makes it that much more worthwhile. 

Training begins, in earnest, February 16th. Hopefully this year, with a little motivation from a virtual coach. Another year of "firsts" await, preferably without any new words frivolously added to the Oxford Dictionary. 

Good luck to us all!

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