Monday, March 3, 2014

Two weeks in to the new season

It was cold. It was windy. It was wet. Never thought I would be so happy to see weather that is so often associated with my motherland of England. You know you've been in the frozen tundra too long when you are excited to run outside in 30 degree (F) temperatures with the rain pouring down. That is how I ended the first two weeks of the training season. It was just a short run, with threats of death from erratic Tenessee drivers and early morning drizzle. Fortunately, I survived and was thrilled to be able to run outside for the very first time.

The first two weeks have progressed well, only missing one or two workouts and generally completing them as advertised. The first weeks are always enjoyable. Rarely too taxing and quite forgiving, soon to be replaced by more dominating schedules. For now, I'll take it! 

It was good to be back in my old training pool. The place when I began this long distance journey with my first half ironman training plan. The pool where I share early morning workouts with the "grey brigade" wondering why anyone would want to swim that much. The pool has been upgraded after threat of closure. It such a good place to train. Quiet and forgiving. I look forward to many hours in that water. 

Strength is still an important element. My Rowing class is still testing me every week, but now I have additional work to do, which is a welcome change to the monotony of the "road gym."

Soon will be my first recovery week and I won't have the chance to complain. Bring it on. I wonder if I will still be this enthusiastic next month??

Good luck to us all!

The mighty "grey brigade" pool

A little Star Wars with my bike ride. 

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