Monday, June 19, 2017


The training continues.....lots

Recovery went well from the Triple T, mainly because I was fighting a fatigue induced sore throat type gross thing the whole week. It made taking the weekend off fairly straight forward, thus leading to a good week this week. It's quite oddly the hardest thing to do sometimes. To let go. To acknowledge a weakness as a good thing in certain cases. Surprisingly difficult. Like trying not to eat chocolate when it's free and sitting in front of you on a plate. Yet, like with the chocolate, realizing it's better that you walk away can lead to something else so much better, like avoiding diabetes!

Training is becoming like a long steep hill. The type of bill you begin straight from cold and your lungs are splitting trying to get up it. Then, all of a sudden, you begin to settle in to that climb, that increased intensity, and begin to acclimatize to your new surroundings. The hill gets easier and more achievable and then suddenly you're out riding for 6hrs and the only thing complaining is your "undercarriage". 

That's how training has been since returning from the long race weekend. We find ourselves 9 weeks from race day with a few races in between, beckoning is forward to the finish line. Two weeks of constant travel -not professionally - will increase the difficulty of fitting it all in, but we shall persevere and despite all the obstacles in our way, will arrive at that start line, ready or not. It's the inevitability of time.
-----recovery food-------

With a little bit of luck, an Olympic race should be next, provided work doesn't need me to, you know, work! After that, a good half iron test awaits at the end of July, goading us closer to the end of August and our ultimate goal. News has filtered through that this Ironman Couer D'Alene will indeed be the last of all. As triathlons popularity fluctuates and reaches its pinnacle, more and more of these races will fall by the wayside. To participate in the final race in CDA will make it that little bit more special. Can't wait. 

The biking is improving. The key to all of this, I am convinced, lies in nutrition. I believe it's getting close to just right. Bonks are becoming less and less and without those dips, my training and strength will get a chance to shine and not be held back by the all dominating brain dips. The next two weeks should give me a great insight it to how that particular element is progressing. We shall see. 

Until then!

Good luck to us all

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