Sunday, November 10, 2013

Glutes, Hamstrings and Posture

As I sit in yet another of the world's airports, preparing to sit in a posture destroying seat, I reflect on the last week's work. Since the cold end to the racing season, I have wondered what has caused all the aches and pains and lopsided form.

More time, without pressure to complete a specific workout, has permitted my time to be spent on cross training and working out for the sake of it. During these workouts, I have taken notice of the subtle lopsided-ness of my form, whether biking, running or in the gym. Research began. Not the rigid type of research you might find in a university library, but the modern type. The online type.

I Googled around and found a reference to those of us who sit for the majority of the day and the way this contributes to a gradual weakening of the hammstrings and glutes, further leading to poorer and poorer posture. This peaked my attention, as I too have found this developing in my body. A gradual hunching over, as if you are shrugging your shoulders at a question. I decided this needed to be worked on over the off season. More strength training was needed. I was to focus on the adbuctors, hamstrings and glutes. Two strength training sessions a week, combined with a focus on running and working with a Virtual Power meter to expose my imperfect and distinctly one sided biking technique, provided a much needed focus on improving my form and subsequent efficiency over the winter. This will continue throughout the off season (aka The Dreaming Season) in order to arrive in February very much ready for my third and hopefully last (at least for a little while) Ironman training season.

The side effects? Sore, worked out glutes and lower back, followed by 10 hours of sitting on an aircraft. Yet, my form and posture will benefit exponentially. What a combo!

Good luck to us all!

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