Saturday, May 26, 2012

Looooong Ride

Yesterday served as our longest ride of the training, that has been conducted over the last 6 months. 7 hours was committed to (should have been last week, but that has been hashed out already). I tried to compile the hilliest route I could find within the State of Minnesota (at least close to Minneapolis). It was deemed very hilly. Not being a good climber and with Constitution whose constitution was likely mostly beer, we were doomed. We set out well. Hit the main hills and felt that the first 80 were quite satisfactory. However, the last 34 were, simply out, a killer. My nutrition wasn't quite right and with the legs already tiring, we turned a corner to find yet more hills in our future. However, the  ride was concurred, albeit with slightly wobbly legs to finish. Constitution was a champ, completing the transition run of 55 minutes after the ride. I was unable to finish/start the run.

The next day brought a very tired wakeup at 6am for a lake swim. Turned out it was a great wakeup. With a light breeze and gentle water (albeit with savage attacking thick weeds) the swim was a great way to start the day. Napoleon joined in and we carved through the gentle water. Felt really good in the water.

The rain belted down all day. I saved the 1hr45min run for later in the day. It went surprisingly well and there was some great self discovery. I often have a very busy mind whilst running. I found focusing on settling the mind and rhythm lead to a lower heart rate and a higher pace. It such a shame that it took me so long to realize that something as simple as a them the Budhists religion promotes was a potential promotion of a faster running pace. I wonder whether I will be able to keep that up in Nice.

Good luck to us all!

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