Friday, April 27, 2012

The Dark Side

I picture Napoleon as OB1, myself as R2D2 and Constitution playing the part of C3PO. No, I haven't quite lost it, but I see the "Dark Side" fast approaching. It is a phrase coined by Napoleon to describe the month prior to the Ironman when training volume increases a lot and fatigue with it.

Still not entirely recovered from the long bike and run set from the mid week. Along with the 3am wakeup this morning, the body is protesting. However, I believe, with the right fuel and rest, the body is in a good position to cope. Strength training and a good long swim are on the menu for this evening. Get to work out with my wife with our strength coach for the first time in a while, so that should be a nice change.

We seemed to have conquered the weather pattern for Minneapolis. Miserable and cold on the weekends, followed by improved weather on Tuesdays when we need it most for the supper long rides. Although, a little less sun would be greatly appreciated this week. Should give the sunburn time to recover.

The feeling - a peculiar and unfamiliar one - of uncertainty is ever present. It begins to grow when I reflect on this past weeks bike/runs. Getting off the bike after 6 hours and 100miles was welcomed, even to go to go to the extent that the first mile of running was welcome relief. However, the pace was slow and the fatigue quick to set in. That said, the ability to keep plugging away at the run was there. Yes, the muscles were like to lead weights attached to each leg, but they kept plugging away for me. My wife mentioned the use of "Mantras" when endurance racing. It proved an affective tool this week. The mind races widely like a heard of unpredictable elephants when in the middle of a large chunk of miles. It can get the better of you. Using a "Mantra" - a familiar and relaxing "place" - where you can return to in order to keep you mind in check, is a useful tool in the long distance, I am finding. Like Napoleon has been known to say, a large sizable chunk of this event is mental. If you can keep you mind in check toward the later part of the day, you should make it - ha...should!

Anyway, having been awake since 3, this entry is becoming rambling like an old grandmother telling stories. Thus, I will bid adieu.

Good luck to us all!

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